영어토론대회 로고

우측 상단 버튼
홈버튼 로그인 회원가입 공지사항 국문사이트가기


  • Elementary, Middle and high school students in the Republic of Korea and overseas
  • The eligibility of each tournament is as follows:
  Korean school
International / foreign
school students
(12-year graded)
International / foreign
school students
(13-year graded)

Elementary school
4·5·6 Grade 4·5·6 Grade 5·6·7 Grade

Middle School
1·2·3 Grade 7·8·9 Grade 8·9·10 Grade

High School
1·2·3 Grade 10·11·12 Grade 11·12·13 Grade

  • Policy for Home Schooling
  • - As of 2017, homeschooled children are all allowed to participate in the tournament; Elementary, Middle, High School Championships.

    - Homeschooled children will be given the school age according to the school system of his/her country of residence.

    - Confirmation document by a homeschool association or parents should be submitted via e-mail in advance. (ytndebater@ytn.co.kr)
홈스쿨링지원서 다운

  • Policy for team member substitution
  • In light of personal circumstances, different conditions of each team, and problems among team members that might all occur in two months of preparation for the tournament, the organizing committee’s policy for team member substitution is as follows;

    - By 20 days before the championship, two out of three members may be substituted. In case of elementary school championship, three out of four are allowed for change.

    - In 20 days before the championship, no substitution is allowed.