based on the regulations. The Chief Adjudicator will identify any relationship between the participants and judges prior to the tournament and during the orientation.
Any judge who knew a student in the course of education or coaching cannot be involved in evaluating such a student’s contest. These regulations and procedures will be strictly applied to all participants and judges, and in any case of ignoring or deliberately misleading behavior discovered at a later date, the involved students and judges will result in forfeiture of the prize. If any report of the relation between the participant and judge is omitted in the course of writing JUDGE CONFLICT by mistake and its omission is recognized later before the start of the Championship, the judge can be replaced after reporting to the chief judge immediately.
again. The student’s school will also be notified with official documentation.
will be announced on the board message of the Championship’s home page.
※ If a debater reads previously prepared materials during the proceeding of impromptu debate, he/she will
be disqualified from the Championship. So, please be particularly cautious on this.
※ Purchase of Almanac: Almanac is sold in major bookstores such as KYOBO BOOK CENTRE and