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Judge-Debater conflict Blocking
 Writer : YTN
Date : 2016-07-19 16:37:21  | Hit : 5939  
Judge-Debater conflict Blocking

To all debaters,
Thank you for your participation in the HUFS-YTN Youth English Debating Championship! We hope preparations are going well.
In order for the tournament to be fair, we need to ensure that debates are evaluated by judges who do not have any pecuniary relationship with a certain team. To do achieve this, please follow the link below and fill out the Google form regarding judge conflicts with care.
You must conflict any and all judges who have taught you at school, academy, or as a private tutor, and/or those with whom you maintain a close personal relationship that may compromise the judge’s impartiality.
To avoid confusion and overlap, we ask that the team leaders fill out this form.
Please fill this out until 5 PM of July 23rd, Saturday.

For the High School Division,

For the Middle School Division,

Thank you and we look forward to meeting you at the tournament!
Adjudication Core of HUFS-YTN 2016
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